Terms & Conditions for Tuber Purchases

We guarantee that each tuber will be hand divided and selected, viable, true to variety, and have a visible eye or sprout when shipped. Once your tubers are in your hands, it's up to you not to kill them. Due to multiple variables that come into play with Mother Nature and human error, we are unable to guarantee a tuber's performance once it's in your hands. Soil health, temperatures, rainfall, fertilizers, daylight hours, your location, insect pressure, humidity and many other factors that are out of our control can contribute to how your dahlia performs. We understand that is a risk, but it is a risk you accept when you decide to purchase dahlias. Dahlias aren't the easiest of plants to grow and we encourage you to become comfortable with growing them before investing your money into the pricey "unicorns".  Open your package immediately! We pack our tubers to ship to you safely, but they are NOT meant to be stored in the box until planting time. You have 48 hours once your tubers arrive at the requested destination to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your tubers. If for some reason your tuber is not the correct variety when it blooms, please let us know and we will send you a replacement.

Growing dahlia tubers is very similar to parenting teenagers. They may appear to be absolutely perfect, but if you unintentionally hit one wrong nerve, sh*t hits the fan. They can also appear to be somewhat rough around the edges when they end up surprising you with sunshine, rainbows and unicorns. Tubers may be large, small, twisted, shaped like male genitalia and/or resemble a potato. Tubers are simply the root of the plant and unlike one of the aforementioned characteristics, size does NOT matter when it comes to dahlia tubers.