Do you guarantee that my tubers will grow?

A: No, because there are too many variables with dahlias and too many factors that are completely out of our control. You will receive a viable tuber with a visible eye. Once your tubers are in your hands, it is your responsibility to care for them and not to kill them. We highly recommend pre-sprouting your dahlias indoors in ziplock freezer bags (halfway closed) with fresh potting soil (we prefer ProMix BX.) There is no need to add water until you see sprouts & roots, and even then - water sparingly to avoid the possibility of rot. Do NOT use heat mats with your dahlias, room temperature is perfect to get them started. Keep the established roots intact when planting outdoors. Your dahlias have a much better chance of survival if they have established roots when planted. We guarantee that you will receive the variety you purchased from us, but cannot guarantee how it will perform in your climate. Soil health, temperatures, rainfall, fertilizers, daylight hours, your location, insect pressure, humidity and many other factors can contribute to how your plant performs. We understand that is a risk, but it is a risk you accept when you decide to purchase dahlias. Dahlias aren't the easiest of plants to grow and we encourage you to become comfortable with growing them before investing your money into the pricey "unicorns".